Monday 19 February 2007

To Stalk or Not to Stalk that is the question...

After watching a very funny extract of an episode of 'Peep Show' (Channel 4) in thursday's lecture, i was left very amused and fairly disturbed. Why i hear you ask, because the main guy in the show has a crush on a woman that he works with, but he takes it upon himself to hack into her email account to see what she has been saying. This to me is abit 'stalkerish' i mean those are private emails. Then i got thinking if that was in a real life situation how bad would that be, is it really bad or is it just 'a concerned interest in someones activities'.
I think that a concerned interest in someones activities can become stalking if they begin to take over someones life, if the person that takes an interest needs to intruse in someone elses affairs constantly to see whats going on this is not physically stalking but pretty close.

In terms of observance being allowable or inappropriate it makes me think of 'Hollyoaks on Channel 4' there is a storyline going on at the moment where one of the characters Will is inappropriately observing Zoe. He has fixed cameras in her room where he can see her movements whenever she is in the room, this involves taking her clothes off. This is a good example of how an observance of someone can be innappropriate when that persons privacy is being violated and especially when that person is unaware that they are being observed.

Tuesday 13 February 2007


People that shoplift do so for a variety of reasons, as was seen in 'family guy' its done due to a kind of spur of the moment thing and can evolve into an addiction. According to some research more than 3.5 million people have admitted shoplifting in the past 5 years.

Whats interesting is that people who can afford to buy things still choose not to pay for them, for example Hollywood Actress Winona Ryder was convicted of shoplifting.
People who can afford this may do it due to it being an addiction or even a cry for attention, or eve people who have the money shoplift because they feel they are higher up in society.
In my opinion shoplifting is not the same as a strategically planned armed robbery. It can happen in large businesses or even small shops. It can happen with rich people or even the poor.
It can be just as addictive as smoking for some people or even a guilty pleasure like Masturbation...
But that's a totally different lecture!


Kate Moss does it, Pete Doherty can't get enough of it, I'm hooked on it and so are my mates.

Tobacco, cigarettes,We all smoke, knowing full well its bad for us. Every cigarette packet i buy tells me that smoking kills. I don't find it hard to light up in public, but for some reason, smokers have this edge and sexiness about them that non-smokers don't have. Smoking is seen as a bad thing by those that don't smoke, where as smokers see it as the norm. It ties in really to being bad as like i said in my first blog, varying from person to person.

My parents don't smoke they always taught me and my brother that smoking was wrong, that people that smoked were bad people. Who would have guessed that about a decade later i'd become one of those 'bad' people.

I don't think smoking is bad, i think that most things accepted and practised by wider society can't be that bad. I think thats the long-term effects of smoking are very bad, but all smokers are aware of what it does and can do to them.

Perhaps this is due to how smoking is portrayed in T.V and films. Smoking which is part of that glamorous lifestyle, can give a character that edge, it can even be a trademark of a sex symbol for example Audrey Hepburn in 'Breakfast and Tiffanys'. Its something that when put in films and television and even books people from all walks of life can identify with it.

Its a private pleasure that is wholly public. Children that live with parents that smoke are to passive smoking for several hours a day are three times more likely to develop the disease as adults than children brought up in a smoke-free household, not only that but these children are also much more likely to smoke themselves than children who live in smoke - free households.

In hindsite i cant realy cast a judgement on whether smokings bad or not, the lecture was based mostly areas like film to government warnings. If i said smoking was not a bad thing would i be biased or is it really not a bad thing?

Being bad or not? Confessions of the student.

I think i went into this module with an open mind and judging by the nature of the first lecture i think that was an excellent idea.
There were Revelations not for the faint hearted or politically correct! What was really interesting was that some of the 'confessions' that people had anonymously made were to me not that bad.
I guess bad behaviour varies from person to person. One persons bad behaviour could be another persons good i suppose. But to round it up it was an excellent start to the module and i can see this is going to be a great opportunity for me to think freely and openly about what i consider to be bad.