Tuesday 13 February 2007


Kate Moss does it, Pete Doherty can't get enough of it, I'm hooked on it and so are my mates.

Tobacco, cigarettes,We all smoke, knowing full well its bad for us. Every cigarette packet i buy tells me that smoking kills. I don't find it hard to light up in public, but for some reason, smokers have this edge and sexiness about them that non-smokers don't have. Smoking is seen as a bad thing by those that don't smoke, where as smokers see it as the norm. It ties in really to being bad as like i said in my first blog, varying from person to person.

My parents don't smoke they always taught me and my brother that smoking was wrong, that people that smoked were bad people. Who would have guessed that about a decade later i'd become one of those 'bad' people.

I don't think smoking is bad, i think that most things accepted and practised by wider society can't be that bad. I think thats the long-term effects of smoking are very bad, but all smokers are aware of what it does and can do to them.

Perhaps this is due to how smoking is portrayed in T.V and films. Smoking which is part of that glamorous lifestyle, can give a character that edge, it can even be a trademark of a sex symbol for example Audrey Hepburn in 'Breakfast and Tiffanys'. Its something that when put in films and television and even books people from all walks of life can identify with it.

Its a private pleasure that is wholly public. Children that live with parents that smoke are http://www.ash.org.uk/exposed to passive smoking for several hours a day are three times more likely to develop the disease as adults than children brought up in a smoke-free household, not only that but these children are also much more likely to smoke themselves than children who live in smoke - free households.

In hindsite i cant realy cast a judgement on whether smokings bad or not, the lecture was based mostly areas like film to government warnings. If i said smoking was not a bad thing would i be biased or is it really not a bad thing?


marlene's blog said...

Hi, I have to comment well here goes nothing. I agree with what your saying people look at smoking like it's really BAD, but there worser things. I agree that everyone is aware of the health risks cause there plastered everywhere and films do portray smoking as a sex symbol or looking bad.... To me I don't look at a person smoking and think their sexy or hard, thats because times have changed and it's so like the norm now, even through people see it as bad......

Francis said...

You have to true to yourself, and you should make the decision about whether you smoke or not; only you. But I can tell you that I find it easy to recognize people not yet middle aged who are/have been smokers. It shows in the aging of their skin. Non-smokers have clearer skins, and wrinkles appear at a much later date. But only you can decide whether you want to look 70 when you're 50.