Tuesday 13 March 2007


This was a really interesting topic. We watched a clip of the film 'The unbearable lightness of being' this was interesting as it was fairly old and to contrast this we watched a clip of a modern film 'Closer'.
The unbearable lightness of being led to two questions being asked, firstly we were asked why does Franz find it humiliating to cheat on his wife in the Same Town? I replied that Franz was considering his own feelings but was also in denial as it doesn't matter where you are your humiliating your wife by sleeping with someone behind her back as it is.
A contrast to this is that in 'Closer' the woman had cheated on her partner in the house that she shared with him.
The second gentleman in the film 'Thomas' does not appear to consider his wife's feelings, he appears to show no guilt that he is having an affair. Thomas responds to the person that he is with, not thinking about how he is making his wife feel.
Everyone has their own definition of adultery, the character in the film Sabina endorsed a particular definition of adultery. She saw betrayal as breaking free from her father/ It was based on her own circumstances, however betrayal for me is more to do with breaking down the trust you have with someone apposed to breaking away.
This song and the video is about a girl being unfaithful to her partner 'Rhianna, 'Unfaithful' :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgZgubuT2DM.
The question is whether or not infidelity is a bad thing? Yes it is.,It can break up marriages and break peoples hearts.
It seems to me that things that are bad are mixed up with what society doesent approve of.
For more information about infidelity check this link out :http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/0-9/4health/teenlife/rel_infidelity.html

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