Tuesday 13 February 2007

Being bad or not? Confessions of the student.

I think i went into this module with an open mind and judging by the nature of the first lecture i think that was an excellent idea.
There were Revelations not for the faint hearted or politically correct! What was really interesting was that some of the 'confessions' that people had anonymously made were to me not that bad.
I guess bad behaviour varies from person to person. One persons bad behaviour could be another persons good i suppose. But to round it up it was an excellent start to the module and i can see this is going to be a great opportunity for me to think freely and openly about what i consider to be bad.

1 comment:

Make money blogging! said...

I totally agree with your comment, "One person bad behaviour could be anothers good".

Half the topics, listed in the module guide I would not class as bad, i.e gambling, religion etc.

Do you believe this module warrants it title "being bad"?