Friday 27 April 2007


Just for the record the lecturer made a remark that getting insurance could be considered Gambling. But this is not the case as not to get insurance surely is taking more of a risk.

Deal or No deal, thats gambling right there, so why don't people think it's bad. Probably because the contestants actually start with nothing.

Gambling, bad i don't know about that one. If gambling was a bad thing why would people re-mortgage their house for a chance to go to Las Vegas. Why do millions of people do the Lottery, why would the Government actually want to create a super casino.

It must be said that Gambling is one of those things that is bad if done to the extreme for example, spending your life in debt due to gambling. Gambling can be very addictive. But people don't get addicted to actually spending their money, they get addicted to the probability they could actually be better off from their efforts.

The harsh reality is that the people that tend to get all the money from Gambling are the owners of the companies that manage gambling for example, Totes and especially the national lottery. People have this hope that they will end up with as new car and a whole new life. To me the Lottery is just another tax for us to pay.

Dog fighting, animal fighting or whatever. Thats wrong i mean i'm not a lover of animals but thats really abit extreme.

This link provides a help service for people that have gambling problems so if you think its all glamour have a look at this

People paying money to watch that and the fact that its classed as gambling, is one of those factors that gives gambling a bad name. But i suppose people bet on boxing don't they and that two human punching each other till one of them falls over and that glamorised and even televised, so once again the question is not 'Is gambling bad' it is 'who likes gambling and who doesn't'?

Saturday 21 April 2007

Telling Lies

Telling lies, porkies or whatever you want to call it.

Its not a illness, its not even a bad thing depending on what you are lying about. Everyone lies, so why is THIS such a bad thing? For example Bill Clinton LIED about having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, then later admitted the truth. So if the then President of the United States can, you'd think a little white lie wouldn't be such a disgusting thing.

Being able to tell lies is a pretty bad quality to have and if you feel as if you have to lie to someone then whats the point?

Lying is bad, but so is telling the truth sometimes, there is nothing wrong with white lies such as - no you don't look fat in that, or don't worry there plenty of fish in the sea. We've all said those things to make someone feel abit better. But the thing is if we told people the honest truth all the time we'd end up being very lonely people.

If everyone in the world told the truth, the world would be a very honest place. Honesty is the best policy in very small doses. Don't get me wrong i don't want to be lied to, but can you imagine people just giving their honest opinion on everything from your hair to the way you live your life, sometimes its better to let people work out the truth for themselves. I mean i thought the idea of Father Christmas was great until i saw for myself that my Dad was clearly the one eating the mince pie on christmas eve!

Lying is not bad, in moderation like everything else as long as you are not a compulsive liar then your alright i suppose.

Lies can be terrible thing, if someone lies to you badly it can affect the way you look at people. You may class all people as bad.

But if i ask someone if i look a bit rough to be honest I'd expect them to lie and say no of course not, but i would need them to tell me the Truth.

I hate being lied to, but i can't hate lies because i have lied. I can't say lying is bad because its something that i have done myself.

For information on what lies actually mean check this out it will tell you anything you want to know (i'm not lying by the way).

And if you lie this guy right here, Jeremy Kyle undisputed king of daytime t.v (in my opinion) will come down on you like a tonne of bricks. For information on lie detectors and how they work see this link

Sunday 8 April 2007

Comment on Anneka's blog

Anneka's weblog is really good, i especially like her entry on the kids video. I can see from it that she was fairly disturbed by the movie. Her smoking entry is really good as its a really detailed blog.

Saturday 7 April 2007

Body Modification

This lecture was very, very interesting. People do modify their bodies, anything from changing your hairstyle to cutting you hair. But obviously it wouldn't be this module without looking into the most disturbing and controversial forms of behaviour.

We saw some very extreme measures of body modification, involving tattoos and piercings that were a little hard to watch in places.

But the people that are doing these types of things are not bad, they are just doing their best to not conform to the conventional images of western society. Pushing the boundaries of whats socially acceptable and what isn't, this again leads to people classing it as bad. Simply because they wouldn't want a genital piecing for example.

I think that a lot of people get a tattoo thinking that its a cool, new thing to do. But i think it's just jumping on the bandwagon. By getting a tattoo your not being different your being just like the however million people that have tattoos also. That's just my opinion. I found some interesting information on this website

Also piercings, I've got my ears pierced and that wasn't to rebel as I'm sure most women have it done too. But there are a lot of people that get around 5 or 6 piercings to stand out, but once again you blend in. Its not like no-one has ever seen the 'Madonna' or the lip piercings that everyone seems to have these days. Once again this is not rebelling against societal norms because most of society do have some form of facial piercing.

People that get them done for sexual arousal purposes or any other reason that's fine, so long as you keep it private and to yourself and don't show society. Because if society don't do it, then it's very very bad (arguably).

Tuesday 3 April 2007

Being too religious.

Being too religious is not a bad thing. It's socially unacceptable, anything that the rest of society doesn't like, practice themselves (but maybe do privately) or See's as not normal is. This is why it's hard to define this as bad.

People that are too religious are seen as weird, i completely agree with this. But maybe they are seen as weird because others don't understand.

For example people that preach in Town centres, or even people that go around handing out religious leaflets are people that demonstrate alleged excessive religious behaviour.

And i can say from experience when someones come up to me with a leaflet i have always refused to take one. Not because i think what they are doing is bad. But because i think that my belief should be respected.

I think that as people we are aloud to believe anything we want. So if someone is going to be too religious they have to respect anyone else's beliefs as much as they would expect theirs to be respected.

I think that it's a good thing to have faith but sometimes people in religious cults let their beliefs take over their lives. This i think is bad, not just because i wouldn't do it but because its unhealthy in my opinion for religion to have such a hold on someones life.

Religion is meant to guide you not define you, that's just my opinion.
On religion that has made alot of news recently is scientology, for more information about this see this link