Saturday 21 April 2007

Telling Lies

Telling lies, porkies or whatever you want to call it.

Its not a illness, its not even a bad thing depending on what you are lying about. Everyone lies, so why is THIS such a bad thing? For example Bill Clinton LIED about having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, then later admitted the truth. So if the then President of the United States can, you'd think a little white lie wouldn't be such a disgusting thing.

Being able to tell lies is a pretty bad quality to have and if you feel as if you have to lie to someone then whats the point?

Lying is bad, but so is telling the truth sometimes, there is nothing wrong with white lies such as - no you don't look fat in that, or don't worry there plenty of fish in the sea. We've all said those things to make someone feel abit better. But the thing is if we told people the honest truth all the time we'd end up being very lonely people.

If everyone in the world told the truth, the world would be a very honest place. Honesty is the best policy in very small doses. Don't get me wrong i don't want to be lied to, but can you imagine people just giving their honest opinion on everything from your hair to the way you live your life, sometimes its better to let people work out the truth for themselves. I mean i thought the idea of Father Christmas was great until i saw for myself that my Dad was clearly the one eating the mince pie on christmas eve!

Lying is not bad, in moderation like everything else as long as you are not a compulsive liar then your alright i suppose.

Lies can be terrible thing, if someone lies to you badly it can affect the way you look at people. You may class all people as bad.

But if i ask someone if i look a bit rough to be honest I'd expect them to lie and say no of course not, but i would need them to tell me the Truth.

I hate being lied to, but i can't hate lies because i have lied. I can't say lying is bad because its something that i have done myself.

For information on what lies actually mean check this out it will tell you anything you want to know (i'm not lying by the way).

And if you lie this guy right here, Jeremy Kyle undisputed king of daytime t.v (in my opinion) will come down on you like a tonne of bricks. For information on lie detectors and how they work see this link

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