Friday 27 April 2007


Just for the record the lecturer made a remark that getting insurance could be considered Gambling. But this is not the case as not to get insurance surely is taking more of a risk.

Deal or No deal, thats gambling right there, so why don't people think it's bad. Probably because the contestants actually start with nothing.

Gambling, bad i don't know about that one. If gambling was a bad thing why would people re-mortgage their house for a chance to go to Las Vegas. Why do millions of people do the Lottery, why would the Government actually want to create a super casino.

It must be said that Gambling is one of those things that is bad if done to the extreme for example, spending your life in debt due to gambling. Gambling can be very addictive. But people don't get addicted to actually spending their money, they get addicted to the probability they could actually be better off from their efforts.

The harsh reality is that the people that tend to get all the money from Gambling are the owners of the companies that manage gambling for example, Totes and especially the national lottery. People have this hope that they will end up with as new car and a whole new life. To me the Lottery is just another tax for us to pay.

Dog fighting, animal fighting or whatever. Thats wrong i mean i'm not a lover of animals but thats really abit extreme.

This link provides a help service for people that have gambling problems so if you think its all glamour have a look at this

People paying money to watch that and the fact that its classed as gambling, is one of those factors that gives gambling a bad name. But i suppose people bet on boxing don't they and that two human punching each other till one of them falls over and that glamorised and even televised, so once again the question is not 'Is gambling bad' it is 'who likes gambling and who doesn't'?

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