Tuesday 3 April 2007

Being too religious.

Being too religious is not a bad thing. It's socially unacceptable, anything that the rest of society doesn't like, practice themselves (but maybe do privately) or See's as not normal is. This is why it's hard to define this as bad.

People that are too religious are seen as weird, i completely agree with this. But maybe they are seen as weird because others don't understand.

For example people that preach in Town centres, or even people that go around handing out religious leaflets are people that demonstrate alleged excessive religious behaviour.

And i can say from experience when someones come up to me with a leaflet i have always refused to take one. Not because i think what they are doing is bad. But because i think that my belief should be respected.

I think that as people we are aloud to believe anything we want. So if someone is going to be too religious they have to respect anyone else's beliefs as much as they would expect theirs to be respected.

I think that it's a good thing to have faith but sometimes people in religious cults let their beliefs take over their lives. This i think is bad, not just because i wouldn't do it but because its unhealthy in my opinion for religion to have such a hold on someones life.

Religion is meant to guide you not define you, that's just my opinion.
On religion that has made alot of news recently is scientology, for more information about this see this link http://www.scientology.org/

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